Hex to Octal Converter

Enter the Hex number to convert it into the octal value using the Hex to Octal converter.

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Hex to Octal Converter

Hex to octal converter is a tool that is used to convert hexadecimal numbers to octal numbers.

What is a Hexadecimal Number?

A hexadecimal number, often simply called "hex", is a numeral system based on 16. In comparison to the decimal system, which is base-10 and is what most people use in daily life, the hexadecimal system is base-16.

uses sixteen distinct symbols. The first ten are the same as the decimal system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. After 9, instead of moving to a two-digit representation as in the decimal system, the hexadecimal system introduces letters:

  • A (representing ten),
  • B (representing eleven),
  • C (representing twelve),
  • D (representing thirteen),
  • E (representing fourteen),
  • F (representing fifteen).

What is the Octal Number?

An octal number is a numeral system based on 8, meaning it operates in base-8. It uses eight distinct symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Once you get to 8 in decimal counting, in octal, you increase the next place value and reset the current one to zero, similar to how you'd move from 9 to 10 in decimal counting.

How to Perform Hex to Octal Conversion?

To convert a hexadecimal number to its octal representation, you don't usually convert directly. Instead, you first convert the hexadecimal number to its binary equivalent and then from binary to its octal representation. 

Example 1:

Convert AB33 into an octal number


Step 1 Extract the number.

= AB33

Step 2 Conversion into binary

A = 1010

B = 1011

3 = 0011

3 = 0011

The number is:

1010 1011 0011 0011

Step 3 Grouping

101 010 110 011 001 1

These digits are not making the group of three so we’ll add two zeros on the left side and re-arrange the number.

001 010 101 100 110 011

Step 4 Conversion into octal

001 = 1

010 = 2

101 = 5

100 = 4

110 = 6

011 = 3

Step 5 Combine the number.

So, the number is 125463.

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