ASCII to Hex Converter

Type or paste your ASCII value in the input box and hit calculate button to convert it into HEX code using ASCII to Hex converter

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ASCII to Hex Converter

ASCII to hex converter is a tool used to convert ASCII symbols to the hexadecimal number system. This converter uses the symbols of ASCII to convert into a base 16 system.

What is ASCII?

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange is the full form of ASCII. ASCII system has 128 characters including the upper- and lower-case alphabets, numerical values from 0 to 9, and punctuation marks.

ASCII decodes the information into homogeneous digital formats that allow them to communicate with each other in a computer system.

What is the hexadecimal system?

The hexadecimal system also known as the base 16 numeral system is a form of numbers in which numerical values from 0 to 15 are involved. These numerical terms are 0 – 9, A(10), B(11), C(12), D(13), E(14), and F(15).

Table of ASCII to hex

Here are some examples of the conversions of ASCII to hex.

abC23@61 62 43 32 33 40
123!as31 32 33 21 61 73
As2df61 73 32 64 66
Ast12F41 73 74 31 32 46
CST43 53 54
@^!#40 5e 21 23
@GT1240 47 54 31 32
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